I could literally write about the myths of burn out all day long. Seriously, I have a word doc that has 50 myths about burn out (and it’s still growing). Because in society, these myths are perpetuated by using the term burn out to mean so many different things. So I’m just going to give you a few of my favorite myths for now. Because the more deeply you understand burn out, the more intentionally you can heal it, and choose the tools that actually support you in that journey.
Burn out happens overnight.
It's actually a slow & gradual process before that big crisis moment where burn out becomes apparent. It’s not just one big moment or one big project (which also means you have plenty of time to intervene before it gets there). It’s a lifetime of habits, capitulations, trade-offs, and wounds mixed with just the right work environment.
Burn out is a sign you need to change your job.
I have yet to meet a client who had no choice but to change their job because of burn out. You can keep your job and implement tools, or you can quit your job and implement better tools. The key is implementation and integration, no matter what choice you make about your current job.
Burn out is solely related to the amount of hours you work.
You can work 70 hours and remained balanced and not burnt out. You can work 30 hours and be burn out AF. Finding balance & preventing burn out is not a math equation.
Burn out is cured by self care.
Self care can help, but only if you're managing stress. Once your stress gets to the stage of burn out, all the bubble baths in the world are not going to cure your burn out.
Burn out is a result of toxic companies.
You absolutely have to heal after a toxic company. But in order to heal your burn out, you're also going to have to compassionately reflect on what you allowed to happen, and decide what you are not willing to allow again. Toxic companies are not started by toxic people; they are built over time by people refusing to change.
If you don’t know where to start healing your burn out, or your trapped in a never ending cycle of stress & burn out, grab a free call with me. I have all different ways to support your healing, and empower you to end the cycle of burn out.