5 ways you're sabotaging your job search....
The job search is hard. I’ve seen clients through this process time and time again, but it’s still extremely isolating, brings up feelings of self doubt, and makes you question your worth. For almost every client, I’ve seen patterns of self sabotage come up through the job search process. And you’re not going to eradicate the pattern, but you need to start catching it as it comes up so that you can be consistent in your job search. Because that job you desire is out there, and waiting for you to apply.
1. Not submitting enough applications.
A job description is simply that. It’s a wish list. I’ve had many clients get hired for jobs that they didn’t meet the requirements for, but they applied in a moment of bravery, and landed the job. It’s normal for you to feel inadequate here, but it’s the first step in the process. Stop telling yourself that you're not qualified, you don't meet the requirements, they probably won't select you. I know all of that feels true, and with all the compassion in the world, apply anyways. None of these are likely facts, they just feel true. Go after it.
2. Submitting too many applications.
I know you believe you're playing a numbers game, and in some ways, you're totally right. But if you're applying to 100s of these a week, you're not submitting quality applications because you're spread too thin. And you're likely applying for jobs that are far beneath your qualifications, and then wondering why you're being kicked out on the first round. Sure, apply to a couple of these if it makes you feel better, but stop wasting your emotions and energy on these. Be intentional about limiting how many of these are on your to-do list and start prioritizing the ones that you really want to reach for.
3. Not getting started.
The job search will not get any easier when it's solely a thought process, and not a routine. This pattern shows up in our lives all the time. Not folding the laundry because you just don’t have the time. And then when you actually do it, it takes 20 minutes. The longer you sit and stew wondering if you should leave your job or not, the greater the fear feels in getting started in the job search. You have a right to be uncertain; You can totally have doubts and fears; You are entitled to make your own choice here. But if you know you're ready to leave your job, the most empowered step is to get started. Because it is taking on average 6 months to find a job right now. So get started ASAP, I beg of you.
4. Just 'testing the waters' or waiting to see if the 'right thing comes along'.
If you're just 'keeping an eye out' for the next right thing to happen along at the perfect moment, you aren't ready to leave your job yet. And that's actually completely fine. But you don't need to keep wasting your energy on the job search until you're certain that you're ready to leave. Because everytime you half-a$$ the search process, you're getting half-a$$ed results. Which are likely either scaring you with the lack of options or frustrating you further at work. You don't need to build the escape plan unless you're ready to use it; you need to make a fully aligned decision first, and then solve the next problem. If I stay, how do I make that work? If I'm ready to leave, where do I get started?
5. Sacrificing on your non-negotiables.
I know it can be super f*cking scary when no one is knocking down your door for interviews. Maybe you feel like you're just getting rejection after rejection, and you don't know how much longer the money can be sustained. Two things you actually need in this moment- to make a plan to be financially supported & to emotionally regulate yourself. But if you start lowering what you need as a salary, agree to shifts/hours you know you won't like, take on benefits that could really rock the boat, etc, you're going to find yourself back in the job search sooner than later. And this process will begin all over again, with even less confidence & motivation, and likely, more sacrifices that lead you right back into this cycle.
If you’re struggling in the job search, if you know you’re stuck in some of these patterns, your next step is to grab a Job Search Strategy Call with me. End the self-sabotage and identify an easy, consistent strategy that works for you to land the job you desire quicker and eliminate the doubt.